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The Untold Story of Lord Hanuman’s Appearance in the Mahabharata

The Untold Story of Lord Hanuman’s Appearance in the Mahabharata

The Untold Story of Lord Hanuman’s Appearance in the Mahabharata

Hindu mythology’s most popular deity, Lord Hanuman, is revered for his omnipotent might, steadfast loyalty, and bravery. His most famous work is the Ramayana, an epic story about Lord Rama’s struggle to save his wife Sita from the demonic ruler Ravana. 

However, a less well-known but no less fascinating component of Lord Hanuman’s legend is his appearance in the Mahabharata. The Kuru dynasty’s power struggles are depicted in the Mahabharata, a sophisticated and multi-layered epic. With themes and characters that are still relevant today, it is regarded as one of the finest pieces of literature ever written. 

The Mahabharata, despite its extensive scope, contains various incidents in which Lord Hanuman plays an important part. Lord Hanuman’s involvement in the epic lends a rich complexity to the narrative, from his appearance on Arjuna’s chariot to his encounters with Bhima and his critical role in recovering the Sanjeevani herb. 

We shall examine the secret tale of Lord Hanuman’s involvement in the Mahabharata in the sections that follow, putting light on the lesser-known facets of his mythology and the lessons he can impart to us.

The Lord Hanuman’s Origin

Let’s briefly examine Lord Hanuman’s origins before delving into his appearance in the Mahabharata. Hindu legend states that Lord Hanuman is the progeny of the celestial pair Anjana and Kesari. He was endowed with divine abilities at birth and was destined to have a major impact on the events of the epic Ramayana.

Lord Hanuman in the Mahabharata

Even though Lord Hanuman’s position in the Mahabharata is less well-known than his one in the Ramayana, the epic nevertheless features him prominently. The burning of the Khandava forest and the raising of the flag atop Arjuna’s chariot are two significant incidents during the epic, according to the Mahabharata.

Lord Hanuman amid the Khandava Forest on Fire

The Khandava woodland was a tangled jungle where many demons lived. To make room for a new capital city, Arjuna, one of the Pandava brothers, and Lord Krishna intended to burn down the forest. However, to assist them in pulling off this accomplishment, they needed someone with tremendous power. Lord Hanuman intervened on their behalf at that point.

An important part in the burning of the Khandava forest was played by Lord Hanuman. By building a wind tunnel that fed the flames and assisted in spreading them throughout the jungle, he assisted Arjuna and Lord Krishna. Because it demonstrates Lord Hanuman’s tremendous strength and willingness to aid those in need, this incident is significant.

The chariot of Lord Hanuman and Arjuna

Lord Hanuman’s assistance to Arjuna during the Battle of Kurukshetra is another example of his appearance in the Mahabharata. Arjuna was one of the best fighters in the epic, and Lord Krishna gave him a heavenly chariot. However, the chariot’s flag, which featured Lord Hanuman, was what gave it its invincibility.

Arjuna’s chariot was adorned with the image of Lord Hanuman, who gave him heavenly protection and enabled him to prevail in the face of overwhelming odds. Lord Hanuman’s undying loyalty to Lord Rama and his readiness to help people who uphold his teachings are demonstrated by this incident.

The Mahabharata’s appearance of Lord Hanuman

Arjuna and Hanuman

During the battle of Kurukshetra in the Mahabharata, Lord Hanuman appears on Arjuna’s chariot. One of the Pandava brothers and a superb fighter, Arjuna is engaged in combat with his cousin Karna, who has the ability to summon celestial weapons. Arjuna’s own weapons fail to hurt Karna, but Lord Hanuman makes himself known on the chariot’s flag. Karna is terrified by this sight as he realises the great might of Lord Hanuman and that Arjuna is blessed by him.

Bhima and Hanuman

Another of the Pandava brothers, Bhima, and Lord Hanuman converse with one another. In one scene, Bhima encounters an elderly monkey that is impeding his progress. Bhima, who is renowned for his strength, makes an attempt to move the monkey but is unsuccessful. The monkey eventually makes himself known as Lord Hanuman and informs Bhima that he will require his assistance in the future.

Sanjeevani Herb and Hanuman

The tale of Lord Hanuman’s involvement in the Sanjeevani herb retrieval in the Mahabharata is arguably the most well-known. The Sanjeevani plant, which grows on a peak in the Himalayas, must be brought back in order to heal Lakshmana, Lord Rama’s brother, after he sustains a combat injury. Finding the herb is Lord Hanuman’s responsibility, so he jumps across the ocean and soars to the Himalayas to find it. Lakshmana is restored and healed on the battlefield after he scoops up the entire mountain.

Bheeshma and Hanuman

The encounter between Lord Hanuman and Bheeshma, the leader of the Kuru army, in the Mahabharata is another fascinating Lord Hanuman-related incident. Bheeshma, who is endowed with the ability to choose the moment of his death, is waiting for the proper moment to pass away while lying on an arrow bed. When he could simply end his life if he so desired, Lord Hanuman asks him why he is waiting to pass away. The discussion between Bheeshma and Lord Hanuman is crucial because it emphasises the Mahabharata’s idea of fate and free agency.


Finally, Lord Hanuman’s inclusion in the Mahabharata is evidence of his tremendous fortitude, bravery, and devotion. Although he may not be as well-known for his part in the epic as he is in the Ramayana, it is nonetheless important and shows his commitment to aid those in need. Hindus must be aware of, understand, and incorporate the teachings of Lord Hanuman into their daily life. A intriguing part of Hindu mythology is the appearance of Lord Hanuman in the Mahabharata. Lord Hanuman’s involvement in the epic gives the narrative depth and richness—from his appearance on Arjuna’s chariot to his encounters with Bhima and his crucial role in recovering the Sanjeevani plant. Furthermore, we can use Lord Hanuman’s ageless lessons on devotion, fortitude, and courage in our everyday lives. We may create a sense of spiritual fulfilment and get beyond every challenge that comes our way by imitating him. Take a moment to recognise Lord Hanuman’s presence and the teachings he can impart to us the next time you read the Mahabharata or come across an image of him.

What does Lord Hanuman’s involvement in the burning of the Khandava forest mean?


Because of his role in setting the Khandava forest on fire, Lord Hanuman demonstrated both his tremendous strength and his readiness to aid those in need.

Why was Lord Hanuman on Arjuna’s chariot’s flag during the Battle of Kurukshetra?

Lord Hanuman was depicted on the chariot’s flag as a representation of Arjuna’s devotion to Lord Rama, who was a manifestation of Lord Vishnu similar to Lord Krishna. It gave Arjuna divine protection and enabled him to win the fight despite overwhelming odds.

What does Lord Hanuman’s love to Lord Rama signify?

In Hindu mythology, Lord Hanuman’s devotion to Lord Rama is regarded as the pinnacle of all forms of devotion. It is claimed that one can achieve spiritual enlightenment and be freed from the cycle of life and death by adhering to Lord Hanuman’s devotional teachings.

Why is Lord Hanuman regarded as the personification of bravery and strength?

Because of his legendary bravery and strength, Lord Hanuman is revered as the model of strength. By using only his willpower, he is said to have lifted a mountain, flown across an ocean, and vanquished strong monsters.

How can we put Lord Hanuman’s teachings into practise in our day-to-day lives?

By developing dedication, fortitude, and courage, we can put Lord Hanuman’s teachings into practise in our daily lives. Lord Hanuman’s constant devotion to Lord Rama serves as an example of how we can reach inner peace and spiritual fulfilment. We may conquer any challenge and accomplish our goals in life by modelling his strength and bravery.

Is Lord Hanuman seen as a demigod or a god?

Hindu mythology reveres Lord Hanuman as a divinity who is strong, devoted, and courageous.

Why did Lord Hanuman become so devoted to Lord Rama?

A wonderful tale explains Lord Hanuman’s love for Lord Rama. Hindu mythology states that Lord Hanuman encountered Lord Rama while attempting to save his bride Sita from the demon king Ravana. Lord Hanuman was moved by Lord Rama’s moral qualities and decided to follow him and be his companion.

What does it mean that Lord Hanuman showed up on Arjuna’s chariot?

The presence of Lord Hanuman on Arjuna’s chariot is interpreted as a sign of divine protection and direction. During the Battle of Kurukshetra, it supported Arjuna in overcoming his uncertainties and worries and achieved his triumph over his adversaries.

What more remarkable deeds of Lord Hanuman in Hindu mythology?

Lord Hanuman is renowned for his legendary courage and power, in addition to his role in the Mahabharata. By using only his willpower, he is said to have lifted a mountain, flown across an ocean, and vanquished strong monsters.

How can we develop fervour, sturdiness, and bravery in our daily lives?

By imitating Lord Hanuman, we can acquire dedication, fortitude, and courage in our daily life. We can attain our goals and lead full lives by putting dedication to a higher power into practise, working out frequently to gain physical strength, and tackling our fears with courage and resolve.

Was the Mahabharata notable for Lord Hanuman?

Although Lord Hanuman’s involvement in the Mahabharata is less extensive than it is in the Ramayana, the plot nonetheless depends on his appearance in a number of major episodes.

What does it mean that Lord Hanuman showed up on Arjuna’s chariot?

The presence of Lord Hanuman on Arjuna’s chariot represents his support and blessings for the Pandava brother in his conflict with Karna.

In order to get the Sanjeevani plant, why did Lord Hanuman take up the entire mountain?

Because he was unsure which herb was the right one and did not want to lose time looking for it, Lord Hanuman hauled up the entire mountain to fetch the Sanjeevani herb.

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